This list of Latin derivatives contains the most common Latin words, while the English derivatives for these words range from simple cognates to rather obscure terms. In several cases the English words are cognate with the Latin ones, i.e. share common Indo-European roots that underwent many phonetic changes.


1:  astonishingly large, strong, or great <The boy has a tremendous appetite.>
2:  very good or excellent <We had a tremendous time.>  tre·men·dous·ly. adverb. It was tremendously satisfying to watch this color parade.

informal super, great, smashing, amazing, amazeballs, fantastic, terrific, phenomenal, sensational, incredible, heavenly, stellar, gorgeous, dreamy, grand, fabulous, fab, fabby, fantabulous, awesome, magic, supercalifragilisticexpialidocious, ace, crack, cool, mean, bad, wicked, mega, crucial, mind-blowing, far out, A1, sound, out of this world, marvy, spanking

British informal brilliant, brill, bosting

IRASCIBLE: Having or showing a tendency to be easily angered.

* An irascible and difficult man.

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