Sharp Sharpen, Hard Harden and Other Words Like Them – Learn How to Use Correct Vocabulary while Distinguishing between Adjectives and Verbs Ending in -En
There are a number of adjectives that have a verb ending in –en. Or the other way around: there are a number of verbs ending in –en that have a corresponding adjective without the –en ending. Sometimes there is a noun with the same root, such as: strong (adjective), strength (noun), strengthen (verb).
Here is a list that is probably not exhaustive (= there are more words like this).
Broad <> broaden: The river is very broad here and easy to navigate. Travelling abroad will broaden your horizon.
Dark - darken: to grow dark: 1. become obscured <the skies were darkening; 2. to make less clear: obscure <the financial crisis darkened the future of the company> 3. to become gloomy <his mood darkened>
Fasten: to direct (the eyes, thoughts, etc.) intently; focus attention: [~ + object]She fastened her eyes on him during the entire performance. (cause to) be secure, as an article of dress with buttons, clasps, etc., or a door with a lock, bolt, etc.: (+ object) Fasten the window.(no object): This clasp won't fasten. (broche, cierre, hebilla, collar)
Fat <> fatten: I’ve worked a lot this month, so now I’m expecting a fat pay check. Farmers fatten the geese before they slaughter them.
Glad - gladden: delight, please, cheer, make happy, delight: It would gladden me to hear you sing again.
Broad <> broaden: The river is very broad here and easy to navigate. Travelling abroad will broaden your horizon.
Dark - darken: to grow dark: 1. become obscured <the skies were darkening; 2. to make less clear: obscure <the financial crisis darkened the future of the company> 3. to become gloomy <his mood darkened>
Fasten: to direct (the eyes, thoughts, etc.) intently; focus attention: [~ + object]She fastened her eyes on him during the entire performance. (cause to) be secure, as an article of dress with buttons, clasps, etc., or a door with a lock, bolt, etc.: (+ object) Fasten the window.(no object): This clasp won't fasten. (broche, cierre, hebilla, collar)
Fat <> fatten: I’ve worked a lot this month, so now I’m expecting a fat pay check. Farmers fatten the geese before they slaughter them.
Glad - gladden: delight, please, cheer, make happy, delight: It would gladden me to hear you sing again.
Hard <>harden: You need to learn to harden your heart, if you don’t want to get hurt time and time again.
Haste - hasten: hurry (make come sooner, apresurar, apurar): Rachel was so eager for her birthday that she went to bed at 8 to hasten the arrival of her special day. * I'm coming I'm coming Don't hasten me.* Don't hasten me along / so, please.
Haste - hasten: hurry (make come sooner, apresurar, apurar): Rachel was so eager for her birthday that she went to bed at 8 to hasten the arrival of her special day. * I'm coming I'm coming Don't hasten me.* Don't hasten me along / so, please.
Less - Lessen 1. To make less; decrease. reduce. interest that lessened as the lecture continued. We lessened our efforts as it became clear they weren't having any effect.
Light - lighten: To (cause to) become lighter or less dark; brighten: The sky lightened at dawn. (+ object) * The sun lightened her hair. 2. to make or become less heavy; to make lighter in weight: to lighten the load on a truck; to lighten taxes. * To lighten someone's cares. 3. to become less severe, stringent, or harsh; ease up: Border inspections have lightened recently. 4. to become less heavy, burdensome, oppressive, etc.: His worries seem to have lightened somewhat. 5. to cheer or gladden, to become less gloomy; perk up: People's spirits usually lighten when spring arrives
Like - Liken: Compare (equiparar, asemejar): It can be likened to driving through a set of red traffic lights. (es como saltarse varios semaforos) * In one of his parables Jesus likened the kingdom of heaven to a pearl of great price.
Long <> length <> lengthen: Your hair is so long it covers your eyes. * What’s the length of this table? * The days have lengthened since June.
Loose <> loosen: In the past when women slept around, you’d have said she was a loose woman. * His tie was too tight, so he loosened it.
Loose <> loosen: In the past when women slept around, you’d have said she was a loose woman. * His tie was too tight, so he loosened it.
Mad - madden: To go mad. To make angry; irritate. (exasperate, infuriate): The endless swarms of mosquitoes all but maddened the explorers. * Her perpetual tardiness maddened her friends to no end.
Right - righten: to set right, straighten: The agility to righten himself at once. * Old confusions which his reason must righten.
Sick - sicken: 1. to (cause to) become sick: Eventually she sickened and died. 2. Figurative (disgust, asquear, dar nauseas): To sicken me with your disgusting jokes.
Soft - soften: to make soft or softer. Moisturizing cream to soften the skin. * The EU must create a special fund to regulate the brain drain and soften its impact. (La UE debe crear un fondo especial para regular la fuga de cerebros y suavizar su impacto).
Straight - straighten: 1. To make (something) straight or to become straight: to make (something) organized or tidy He straightened the bent antenna. * The drooping flowers straightened in the rain.
2. to put (something) in order —usually used with up or out. * Straighten up a room * They straightened out the problem>
Strong <> strength <> strengthen: I hope the rope is strong enough to hold the piano. * If you don’t eat properly you’ll lose your strength. * In order to protect your back you must strengthen your stomach muscles.
Sharp <> sharpen: That pencil is sharp as a razor. Sharpen: To make or become sharp or sharper: (+ object): to sharpen a knife. * This knife won't sharpen. (no object) * I can’t write with this pencil before I’ve sharpened it. * A pencil sharpener. ** sharp (intelligent, afilado)*
Short - shortening: to (cause to) become / make short or shorter, to reduce, decrease, take in, etc: To shorten sail. * She had a hard time shortening her ten-page paper.(with object) * The summer seemed to have shortened just as it was getting to be fun (no object)Sick - sicken: 1. to (cause to) become sick: Eventually she sickened and died. 2. Figurative (disgust, asquear, dar nauseas): To sicken me with your disgusting jokes.
Soft - soften: to make soft or softer. Moisturizing cream to soften the skin. * The EU must create a special fund to regulate the brain drain and soften its impact. (La UE debe crear un fondo especial para regular la fuga de cerebros y suavizar su impacto).
Straight - straighten: 1. To make (something) straight or to become straight: to make (something) organized or tidy He straightened the bent antenna. * The drooping flowers straightened in the rain.
2. to put (something) in order —usually used with up or out. * Straighten up a room * They straightened out the problem>
Strong <> strength <> strengthen: I hope the rope is strong enough to hold the piano. * If you don’t eat properly you’ll lose your strength. * In order to protect your back you must strengthen your stomach muscles.
Tight <> tighten: These shoes are so tight they give me blisters. * As Phoebe is out of work now we’ll need to tighten our belt.
Thick - thickness - thicken: 1. become thicker (espesar): Thicken the sauce with flour (espesa esa salsa con harina) 2. figurative (plot: become more complex, complicarse): Now there are two claimants to the estate and the plot thickens (Ahora hay dos personas que reclaman la finca y la trama se complica)
Threat - threaten: to say that you will harm someone or do something unpleasant or unwanted especially in order to make someone do what you want: to be something that is likely to cause harm to (someone or something) : to be a threat to (someone or something)
Thick - thickness - thicken: 1. become thicker (espesar): Thicken the sauce with flour (espesa esa salsa con harina) 2. figurative (plot: become more complex, complicarse): Now there are two claimants to the estate and the plot thickens (Ahora hay dos personas que reclaman la finca y la trama se complica)
Threat - threaten: to say that you will harm someone or do something unpleasant or unwanted especially in order to make someone do what you want: to be something that is likely to cause harm to (someone or something) : to be a threat to (someone or something)
Weak - weaken: Become / make [sth] weak: The constant flow of traffic weakened the bridges supports, so they had to be repaired. * Nancy weakened as she grew older and had to walk with a stick.
Wide <> widen: This skirt is too wide on my waist. Do you have a smaller size? * Her eyes widened in amazement.
brighten, burden (to trouble; cause worry: I don't mean to burden you with all my problems), darken (lighten), hearken (literary, poetic, listen, heed, pay attention, hark: to listen attentively, heed: He was always harking back to his army days (retell, remember a previous event or topic) ; to give heed or attention to what is said, listen: Hearken to his words), hearten (cheer, encourage, buck up, cheer up, give a lift to, gladden, reassure), fasten, (connect, link, hook, tie, 2. to take a firm hold: to fasten on an idea), laden (burden, lade), sweeten, redden, threaten, waken, (to wake or become awake) to awake; awaken: (+ object): The noise wakened them. (no object): The kids will waken early. Awake: to become conscious of something[no object; (~ + to + object)]I finally awoke to the facts.
Wide <> widen: This skirt is too wide on my waist. Do you have a smaller size? * Her eyes widened in amazement.
brighten, burden (to trouble; cause worry: I don't mean to burden you with all my problems), darken (lighten), hearken (literary, poetic, listen, heed, pay attention, hark: to listen attentively, heed: He was always harking back to his army days (retell, remember a previous event or topic) ; to give heed or attention to what is said, listen: Hearken to his words), hearten (cheer, encourage, buck up, cheer up, give a lift to, gladden, reassure), fasten, (connect, link, hook, tie, 2. to take a firm hold: to fasten on an idea), laden (burden, lade), sweeten, redden, threaten, waken, (to wake or become awake) to awake; awaken: (+ object): The noise wakened them. (no object): The kids will waken early. Awake: to become conscious of something[no object; (~ + to + object)]I finally awoke to the facts.
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